About Us

Elgip is one of the offices specialized in the legal profession in the Middle East. Elgip was founded on two principles: professionalism and commitment to service. Our mission is to help our clients achieve the maximum benefit from their intellectual property rights. We seek to protect the interests of our clients in the best possible way and to provide them with advice that is both timely and practical.

Our firm offers all legal and procedural services related to Intellectual property registration and protection including trademarks, patents and industrial designs, filing and defending against oppositions, performing searches, drafting and registering assignments and licensing agreements and litigating infringements and unfair competition cases. In addition, we provide commercial information including due diligence, fraud and anti-counterfeit investigation and litigation services throughout the Middle East.



  • Registry of trademarks, patents, copyrights and industrial designs.
  • Renewal of the protection validity period for the intellectual property including patents annuities, trademarks renewals and industrial designs renewals.
  • Consultation services for protection of the intellectual property.
  • Representation of the clients before the commercial courts.
  • Presentation of the oppositions and grievances before the specialized legitimate and administrative bodies.
  • Drafting contracts amongst the corporations.